Spring Activities, Crafts, and Lessons

Spring activities and crafts for preschool and kindergarten

Preschool and Kindergarten Spring Lessons, Activities, Crafts, and Printables. Spring into spring with our flowers, spring kids crafts, spring preschool activities, weather activities and lessons, and color green printables. In spring, the earth warms significantly, causing new plant growth to spring forth, giving the season its name. Spring is a time to fly kites, to enjoy colorful rainbows, and to celebrate the birth of baby animals. And if that's not enough, you'll find a myriad of preschool crafts, activities, rhymes and songs, folder games, and printables to help celebrate the coming of spring and learn the color green!

Samples of our more than 80 spring activities, crafts, games, and printables available in our KidsSoup Resource Library:



Bird’s Nest Craft – Pre-Writing Skills Activity

Activities and Lessons

Spring Theme Intro Lesson
Exploring Spring Weather


Spring Pattern Fun
Planting Beans Numbers Recognition

Science and Exploration

Spring Theme Intro Lesson
Birds Making Nests in Spring - Science
Animals in Spring


Umbrella Matching and Sorting
Flower Box Rhyming
Flower Garden Bingo


Bird’s Nest Craft – Pre-Writing Skills Activity
Spring Movement Rhyme: "A Busy Spring Day"

Booklets and Other

Six Flowers in a Row Emergent Reader
My Flowers Emergent Reader


It's Raining - Pre-writing Skills
Flower Garden Coloring

Twiggle Books

Rabbit's Rainbow Twiggle Book

Free Spring Kids Crafts, Coloring Pages, and Printables

Ask children what they know about spring and write their responses on the wall or on a piece of paper. Write the It's Spring rhyme on the board and discuss the signs of spring with the children.

It's Sping!

Frogs croak, 
Rains soak. 
Chicks peep. 
Crickets leap. 
Bees hum. 
Robins come. 
Birds sing. 
It's Spring!

Make a Spring Mural
Place a long green sheet of bulletin board paper on a table or let children each decorate their own green craft paper. Provide garden magazines and let children cut out flowers and plants and glue them on the paper. 
Let children cut out or draw their favorite flower on a piece of paper and write about it. May favorite flower is _____.
Spring Garden Craft
Spring Garden craft for preschool and kindergarten
Preschool Activities: 
Cut off the top of an empty milk or juice carton. Make a planter base (4" tall). Glue a 5-inch strip of green construction paper around the planter base. Glue craft sticks (you can use natural or paint your craft sticks) to the outside of planter box to make a fence. Decorate fence with foam flowers or cut flowers out of colored construction paper. Fill with dirt and plant flower seeds.
flower worksheet hidden ladybugs Lily spring coloring page umbrella tracing worksheet  

Rabbit Paper Plate Craft 
Paint paper plate green. Let dry. Cut out a half moon of the inner circle of paper plate. Trace and cut bunny shape out of brown craft paper. Add wiggly eyes and pom-pom as a nose. Glue to the outside of paper plate. Cut 1 1/2 inch strips out of different colors of green craft paper. Snip into grass shape and glue on front of paper plate.

Flower Garden Art Project
Paint a blue sky and some brown soil on white craft paper. Draw and cut a stem and leaves out of green craft paper. Draw and cut different sizes and shapes of flowers out of colored craft paper. Glue stem and leaves on paper. Add a small amount of glue to the center of the large flower shape and glue it on top of the stem. Repeat with smaller flower shape and glue on top of bigger flower shape. Add a small pom-pom or crumpled tissue paper to the center of the flower. After glue is dry, shape the flower to look three dimensional.



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