Groundhog Day Preschool and Kindergarten Activities

Groundhog Day Activities, Crafts, and Printables for Preschool

Preschool and Kindergarten Groundhog day crafts and activities.
Groundhog's Day
is celebrated in the USA on
February 2 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. On February 2, it is believed that the groundhog comes out of his burrow. If the sun is shining and he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If it is cloudy and the groundhog cannot see his shadow, he will come out, and it is a sign of an early spring. We created some great Groundhog's Day preschool and kindergarte activities, crafts, games, and lessons for you and your children to celebrate this fun event and we predict your child will have lots of fun!

Samples of our Groundhog Day Preschool and Kindergarten Activities, Crafts, Lessons, and Printables


Groundhog Hearts Craft and Writing Prompt
Cup Groundhog

Activities and Lessons

Groundhog, Groundhog, What Do You Spy? Song
Groundhog Games and Activities
Groundhog Story Pictures


Groundhog Shadow Measuring
Groundhog Day Weather Prediction Activities

Science and Exploration

Sun and Shadow Science Exploration
Groundhog Facts


While You Were Sleeping - Groundhog Game
Groundhog Winter or Spring Matching Folder Game
Animals in the Mittens Shadow Game


Shade Game
Groundhog Watch

Booklets and Other

Groundhog Day Rhymes, Books, and Activities
Groundhog Booklet to Color
Groundhog Printable Booklet


Groundhog Story Sequencing
Groundhog Coloring Page
Groundhog Matching
Free Groundhog Day Craft and Rhyme

Groundhog day puppet and rhyme
Preschool Activities: 

Print Groundhogs stick puppets printable and let children color them. Cut out the groundhog and glue it to the tip of a craft stick. Make a small hole in the bottom of the cup big enough to push the craft stick through. Cut a one-inch strip off a brown paper bag and snip small cuts into it. Glue to the inside rim of a Styrofoam cup. When dry, push the end of the stick groundhog through the bottom of the cup. Move the stick up and down to make the groundhog peek out of its burrow.

I See a Little Groundhog 
(Tune: I'm A Little Teapot)

I see a little groundhog,
furry and brown,
He's popping up to look around.
If he sees his shadow,
down he'll go.
Six more weeks of winter? oh, no!

Free! Groundhog and his shadow craft and activity

Groundhog's Day

Groundhog's Day, I looked around,
Saw my shadow on the ground
Yes, I saw my shadow, when I took a peek
That means winter six more weeks!

Groundhog Day Activities

Lead a discussion and ask children if a groundhog really can predict the weather. Make any of these groundhog weather prediction activities.

Groundhog Shadow Activity

On February 2, Groundhog Day, let children bring a stuffed toy to school. Explain to children that the name of the famous weather predicting groundhog is Punxsutawney Phil. Let children name their stuffed toy to something like San Diego Sam, Florida Fiona, Denver Dan, etc. Let children predict if and when the "stuffed toys" will see their shadows. Place the stuffed toys outside. Together visit the "stuffed toys" to look for their shadows.

Use our groundhog cup craft to watch for his/her shadow. (Craft description and patterns available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)

Preschool Kindergarten Groundhog craft and shadow activity
Preschool Activities: 


Groundhog Day Spring or Winter Activity

Discuss with children the weather and nature in winter and spring. What kind of clothes do we wear. What happens in nature in the spring? In winter? etc. Let children sort different pictures to the correct season.

Groundhog Day Winter or Spring Sorting Activity (Activity and printables available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)

Preschool Kindergarten Groundhog Day Winter or Spring folder game
Preschool Activities: 

Groundhog Day Games

Shadow Tag
If it's sunny outside and the body casts a shadow, play shadow tag. Instead of touching a person, whoever is It must step on someone's shadow.

Shadow Tracing
Allow children to experiment with what their shadow does before the drawing activity. One child "poses" while his or her partner traces the outline of the shadow on the pavement with a piece of sidewalk chalk.

Shadow Art
You need:
A large flashlight
White paper

Tape white paper to the wall. Have child sit on a chair in front of white paper. Shine the flashlight on the child so as to create a silhouette on the paper. Have another child trace the silhouette.





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