Where's My Mummy Lesson Plan

What you need:
Book: Where’s My Mummy? (Amazon Affiliate Link)
The Halloween season is full of monsters, ghosts, and other spooky things. Some children love the thrill and excitement that surrounds Halloween while others are filled with anxiety and dread. You can please both groups by bringing in these spooky characters and showing children that they can be fun and silly.
There are several Halloween books that showcase traditionally scary characters in a fun and friendly way. We chose Where's My Mummy and a few activities to go along with it.
Little Baby Mummy wants just one more game of hide-and-shriek with Big Mama Mummy before bedtime. The night is deep and dark, full of friendly creatures that click their clacky teeth and whoosh past on flippy-floppy wings.
Large Group
Preparation: Under a black piece of fabric, hide a piece of paper, a glass and a pencil, two wooden blocks, or anything else that can make a spooky sound.
Gather children in your circle area. Discuss the spooky sounds that we can hear around Halloween time. Lift the piece of fabric and let children name each object. Explain to children that you will make some spooky sounds and that they need to guess which object makes the sound. Ask children to close their eyes. Start with one object and make some spooky sounds with it. Let children uncover their eyes and guess the object the sound was made for. Repeat the sound while children watch.
While reading the book Where’s My Mummy? by Carolyn Crimito to children, pause on the sound pages and allow children to make the sounds with you. Have them predict what they think will make the sound. Point out that the sounds might seem scary at first, but once you know where they came from, they aren’t scary at all. Make a sounds chart to display in your room with sounds and what makes the sound. You can begin the chart with a few sounds you commonly hear in the classroom (e.g., fish tank, clock ticking , chairs scooting). Leave the chart up for several days and add sounds as the children discover them. They may even come to school with sounds they hear at home.
Spooky Sounds Movement Activity
Small Group
This story is also great for working on sequencing events. Using the characters printables, you can work on this skill in any of these ways:
Getting Ready for Bed Craftivity
You will need to print a set of Where’s My Mummy? character printable for each child. In addition, you will need two 12 x 18 inch pieces of paper (white and other color) for each child. The non-white piece will need to be prepped with six doors as shown below.
Give children their character page and ask them to cut out the characters and their bedtime item.
After the pieces are cut out, give children the pieces of craft paper. Instruct children to glue around the doors and stick the two pieces of craft paper together.
They will be able to open each door and have a space to add their characters. Work together with children to determine which character was first and glue that character and their item in the first door. Continue with the other four characters.
In the last door, children can draw a picture of themselves and something they need to get ready for bed.
Where's My Mummy? Sorting and Matching Game
Cut out each character and item and glue on to index cards or rectangle pieces of cardstock. Turn the cards picture side down and play a memory game with the cards.
Snack: Hot Dog Mummies