Twiggle Books

We are excited to introduce you to our newest product: Twiggle Books.
Coming soon: We are working on a version that will enable you to download the Twiggle book to your device for offline access.
Twiggle Books - Storytime comes to life
Our new interactive Twiggle Book are meant to be used for your storytimes or digital read-alouds. It can be shown to a small group or projected to the whole class. It can also be used to help build reading skills for students on an individual basis.
Children who are read aloud to get a head start in language development and important foundational literacy skills.
Our Twiggle-Books can be read and shown directly from your computer or tablet or can be used together with a projector or white board to display on a large screen. This makes the Twiggle Books perfect for preschool and school setting or library story time.
With our Twiggle Book, the reader has full control over the storytime experience. The reader can decide on each page if he wants to read the story with or without animation, or narration. The reader also has full control over the time he/she spends on each page, allowing the caregiver to introduce new vocabulary and to ask questions.
Our Twiggle Books also offer additional features and benefits that make our Twiggle Books come to life. Animation, sound effects and music help to set the mood and help follow the story or focus in on the action.
Our Twiggle Books can also be read independently by the child.
Speaker Icon Button and Navigation Arrows
When clicking the "speaker icon" button, each page and its text is read-aloud. Navigation arrows the reader to go to the next or previous page.
Menu Button
The menu button allows the user to navigate to a specific page, and expand the screen to full screen.
The Twiggle Button allows children to view the animation with music for each page. Each page also has some hidden animations for the children to find.