There Was a Giant Dinosaur - Movement Story

What you need:
Recite the rhyme while you play the tambourine. Give children instructions on the movements.
There Was a Giant Dinosaur
by Jolanda Garcia, KidsSoup, Inc.
There was a giant dinosaur that I once knew. (say verse quietly - tap tambourine softly)
Who crept around the whole day through. (children walk to music)
He moved so softly, not a single sound (Children walk on tiptoes)
You never could tell when he was around.
He bent to the floor, head down low. (Bend over and swoop down to the floor - scratch tambourine)
It’s an Apatosaurus, eating plants a long time ago. (Children pretend to eat plants by bending over)
You could see him come from afar …. (Make a visor with your hands to look out for the dinosaur)
That enormous dinosaur (play tambourine with flat hand)
Lumbering, slumbering …. (Move slowly with big steps as to be a dinosaur)
You could hear a great grumbling. (scratch tambourine)
There was a big dinosaur I once knew. (say verse loudly and play tambourine loudly)
Who stomped around the whole day through. (Children stomp around to music)
She shook the earth as she walked about.
When she was around, there was no doubt. (Stamp around)
The other dinosaurs ran and were afraid (children are running around - play tambourin fast)
… such a dreadful sound she made. (growl)
You could see her come from afar …. (Make a visor with your hands to look out for the dinosaur)
That enormous dinosaur.
Hear her grumbling and growl (Make claws and growling and roaring sounds)
It’s a Tyrannosaurus on the prowl. (Move like a tyrannosaurus with claws - play tambourine in different tempos. Let children match the tempo)