Sensing Christmas Twiggle Book

What you need:
Learning Goals and Standards:
Early reading, listening
What you do:
Lead a brief discussion with children about Christmas and the five senses. Give each child a turn to share about a sight, sound, taste, texture, or smell that reminds him/her of Christmas.
Then, read the Sensing Christmas Twiggle Book to the group.
Sensing Christmas
Erin Lassiter, KidsSoup, Inc.
I can see Christmas with my eyes.
It looks like bows, Santa Claus, and pies.
I can hear Christmas with my ears.
It sounds like jingle bells and holiday cheer.
I can feel Christmas with my skin.
It feels like blankets and a sticky chin.
I can taste Christmas with my lips.
It tastes like gingerbread and frosting drips.
I can smell Christmas with my nose.
It smells like pine trees, popcorn, and snow.
My five senses tell me Christmas is near.
My five senses know its that time of year.