Flower Dreams - Fresh Flowers Crafts

What you need:
Fresh flowers
Paper plate
Clear adhesive paper
Learning Skills and Standards:
Natur Science, fine motor skills
What you do:
Spring presents itself in its splendid, bloom-filled glory. It's the perfect time to take a closer look at the colorful flowers and get creative with them.
Combine collecting flowers with a walk and then craft something beautiful with the flowers. Here are a few ideas:
Flower Board
What you need: Flowers with short stems, cardboard, scissors. Cut cardboard in to a circle and drill holes with the scissors. Let children stick the flowers in to the board.
Flower Sun Catchers
What you need: Flowers with no stems, paper plate, clear sticky foil, scissors. Cut a circle out of the paper plate. Add the sticky paper to the back. Let children stick the flowers on sticky part of the paper plate.