A Flower Pot Full of Love - Mother's Day Craft and Poem

What you need:
A Pot Full of Love - Poem printable
Red craft paper
Flower pot
Paint brush
What you do:
Print A Pot Full of Love - Poem printable and cut out heart. Trace large heart shape on to red craft paper and cut out.
The children paint the flower pot. Together plant some flowers or seeds in the flower pot.
Glue the heart with the rhyme on top of the red heart shape. Attach a skewer to the back.
Stick the heart inside the flower pot.
A Pot Full of Love
by Jolanda Garcia, KidsSoup Inc.
A pot full of love, just for you,
With lovely flowers, just like you.
Thank you for all you do during the year.
Mom, you're wonderful, that's crystal clear!
Read the book "The Surprise" to your children.