jgarcia's blog
Before learning to read, young children need to understand how books work and what they are for. These pre-reading skills are known as concepts of print. The best way to help your child to develop print concepts is to share all different kinds of books together.
Helping your preschooler to develop and strengthen fine motor skills is an important step in kindergarten preparation. What are fine motor skills? These are skills that require coordination of the small muscles in the hands and fingers. They lay the foundation for writing, cutting, manipulating objects, and creating detailed drawings and diagrams.
The first day of kindergarten is an exciting milestone in the life of a child and his or her parents.
This is an exciting time of year for you and your children—it's back to school time!
Beginning a new school year means making new friends and seeing old friends again. While children are busy learning classroom routines, they're also practicing and developing social skills. For this reason, the focus of week 3 of the Back to School with Dinosaurs theme is friendship.
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