Ready for Preschool Book List

Ready for Preschool Book List

First Day of Preschool Book Suggestions

This is an exciting time of year for you and your children—it's back to school time! For some children, this may be their first experience of being away from home for an extended time. They are most likely very excited, but may feel a little timid and anxious about what to expect. You can help your children get into the swing of things with our list of Ready for Preschool Books.


The Cuddle
Original Author Unknown

It's so nice to have a cuddle,
with someone that you love,
It's so nice to have a snuggle,
with someone that you love.

If you ever are in trouble,
it will vanish like a bubble,
It's so nice to have a cuddle,
with someone that you love.


View also our The Kissing Hands activities, craft, folder games, lesson ideas, and printables.

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