The importance of instilling the concept of...
The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot is a retelling of the classic children’s tale The Three Little Pigs, re-imagined in outer space. Three little aliens are sent by their mother to find a planet of their own to live on. Subsequently, each little alien settles on a different planet, with the third little alien considering all aspects of what will be needed to build a home that is safe from the big, bad robot, who eventually cracks, smacks, and whacks, but can’t knock the house down. Children will love discovering the similarities and differences between this re-imagined version of the story and the original. The illustrations provide plenty of material for making comparisons and contrasting the personalities of the three little aliens who have one, two, and three eyes respectively. The third little alien’s name is constructed entirely of consonants, which makes it hard to sound out, underscoring the importance of vowels in the English language. Here, we share a few ideas for discussion and reflection before reading, during reading, and after reading.
The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot
Kindergarten Common Core Standards
Literature: Key Ideas and Details
RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text
Literature: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
Before Reading:
Read the title of the book. Ask:
To build background knowledge before reading the story, review the illustrations of the planets on the inside front and back endpapers. Name each planet in order and ask children to share what they know about each one. Ask if children notice any differences between the illustration on the front endpaper and the one on the back endpaper (the front shows one house on Mercury and the back shows a second house on Neptune). Read the Author’s Note on the last page to set the scene.
Write the names of the little aliens on chart paper. Point out that two of the names rhyme (Bork and Gork), but the other is made up only of consonant letters, so it is difficult to pronounce (Nklxwcyz). Let children take turns trying to say the third name. Decide together how it will be read.
During Reading:
As you read, have children respond to questions about the illustrations and define difficult vocabulary. Here are a few questions to ask:
Child-Friendly Definitions:
After Reading:
Three Little Aliens
Adapted by Jolanda Garcia, KidsSoup, Inc.
Tune: Three little ducks went out to play
Three little aliens went out into the universe one day,
Up into space and far away
Mother Alien said,
"juack, juack, juack,"
But only 2 little aliens came back.
Two little aliens went out into the universe one day,
Up into space and far away
Mother Alien said,
"juack, juack, juack,"
But only 1 little alien came back.
One little alien went out into the universe one day,
Up into space and far away
Mother Alien said,
"juack, juack, juack,"
But no alien came back.
So mother alien went out into the universe that day,
Up into space and far away
Mother Alien said,
"juack, juack, juack "
And all three aliens came back.
Three Little Aliens Printables (KidsSoup members only)
Let children share their favorite parts of the story and why. Take a simple vote to see which story children like best: the little alien version or the little pig original. First, have children who like the alien version best give a thumbs-up. Then, have children who like the original best give a thumbs-up. Count the votes and graph them later.
Draw a Venn Diagram on the board or on chart paper. Write “The Three Little Pigs” over one circle and “The Three Little Aliens” over the other circle. Write “Both” over the space where the circles overlap. Explain how the Venn Diagram works and call on children to name similarities and differences between the two stories. Write their responses in the corresponding spaces of the diagram.
Beginning Sounds Alien Names and Planets
If I Were An Alien Writing Prompt
We feel like the aliens in the story look a lot like Minions. Visit the to learn how to make to toilet roll aliens. To match them to the story color them green instead of yellow.
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