Preschool and Kindergarten Spring Lessons, Activities, Crafts, and Printables. Spring into spring with our flowers, spring kids...
Benefits of using Themes or Theme-based Activities in Preschool Settings
What makes a great kindergarten or preschool theme and activities or topic to study in your preschool or kindergarten settings? We believe children learn best and retain information when the topic is relevant and of interest to children. The preschool activities around a theme should have lots of interesting content and real objects, things, and/or living creatures to investigate, explore and discover. Our kindergarten and preschool activities cut across the curriculum and provide fun activities to teach fundamental skills needed to be successful later in school. With our array of preschool and kindergarten resources it is easy to find activities that fit your children's current interest and help develop new knowledge and skills based on what they already know and can do.
Our preschool and kindergarten activities help you to hold your children 's attention and create excitement in your classroom. Not only children can benefit from a open-ended thematic aproach to instruction, teachers can take advantage to choose a variety of activities and learning experiences that suport their educational goals. All our themes have background information to enable the teachers to present a topic with depth by presenting many theme-related actvities. With our array of activites you will be able to keep your preschool or kindergarten curriculum varied and intresting.
Thematic Approach in Teaching Letters
Teaching the letters of the alphabet is a foundational skill for reading and writing. We don't encourage weekly plans to teach a letter, it is too isolated. We blieve the concept of the letter should relate to the children's meaningful experiences and process of learning. Letters and sounds should not take center stage during a week. Rather, choose and place letter activities during your theme's content explorations to combine visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. Fill your room with print, letter posters, and letter puppets and introduce the letters and letter words as they become meaningful to your children. Our ABC Twiggles member site has a assortment of ideas, activities, games, and booklets for each letter of the alphabet to choose from.
Selection of our over 50 Themes and Preschool Activities Availablable Inside the KidsSoup Resource Library
Decide on a theme or unit you would like to concentrate on. Our daily plans (available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library) help you to choose activities that are relevant and age appropriate for the children in your care. Go through the activities and select those that fit and support your objectives. Incorporate the activities in your weekly plan and disperse the theme-related activities over the week. Decide if you present the activity once or several times. Plan additional non-themed activities to fill in the rest of your instruction time. Create a thematic atmosphere by adding pictures and books, and choosing felt stories or finger plays, and songs that relate to the story or theme.