Preschool and kindergarten graduation activities, crafts, and resources. Graduating from preschool or kindergarten is an important milestone in the life of your child. It is a big step to leave preschool and go to kindergarten or to go from kindergarten to first grade. Young children can be struggling with change with a new school, new children, new teacher. They are likely filled with mixed emotions. To help you ease the transition, we have created a variation of graduation crafts and gift ideas, end-of-school celebration activities, and graduation literacy lessons and activities around the book "A House for Hermit Crab," which is a great book to ease the fear of change.
Graduating preschool or kindergarten is an exciting time for you and your child. Enjoy these free printables and resources to celebrate this important milestone together.
Make a memory book for kindergarten or preschool
Create a kindergarten or preschool memory book by printing a cover page and two pages with the following titles and a place to write and draw a picture. My teacher's name......, My favorite color...., My favorite snack..., My best friend's name..., My favorite trip..., My favorite toy..., etc. Add a self portrait pages with their name, and a teacher's poem page with a picture of the class. Scroll down for teacher poem suggestions.
Graduation Handprint Artwork
Let children make a handprint on a piece of paper. Let them choose one finger to decorate as themself. Encourage them to draw a graduation cap and gown and a smiling face on the finger. Discuss with children which other person helped them during the year. (Teacher, friends, mother, father, etc.) Let them decorate the other fingers as those persons. Label each name.
Print this cute graduation poem under the handprint
Thank You!
By Jolanda Garcia, KidsSoup Inc.
Thank you to these very special people
that loved and helped me grow each day.
Thank you to these very special people
to celebrate my graduation day!
Clay Handprint Keepsake Craft
Make a clay handprint plaque for a graduation keepsake. Use this recipe to make your own clay plaque from scratch. You will need:
Mix the flour and salt in a medium mixing bowl. Slowly add water while stirring with a wooden spoon. Knead the doughy mixture until is firm. If the dough is sticky you can add flour as needed or a tablespoon of water if it’s too dry and continue kneading until the dough is firm and has the consistency of play dough.
Next roll out your dough with a rolling pin onto a floured cutting board until it’s about 1 inch thick. Shape your dough into the desired shape for your plaque.
Press the childre's hand on the dough. Use the pencil to make a hole at the top to be able to attach a ribbon.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Carefully transfer the dough onto a cookie sheet. With a paper towel dabe a little oil all over the plaque. (This will help the dough from cracking.) Bake at 200 for 30 minutes then turn the oven off. Do NOT open the oven. Leave the plaque for an additional 2 hours in the oven.
Visit our Twiggle Magazine for some great graduation activities, gift ideas, and end-of-year activities.
Kindergarten and Preschool Graduation Rhymes and Songs
Kindergarten and Preschool Graduation Gift Ideas
Kindergarten and Preschool Graduation and End of Year Activities
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Preschool and Kindergarten Graduation Stickers
The story of Hermit the Crab is a great book to use to ease the transition to a new school or classroom. View samples or our Hermit the Crab book activities here:
Dear Parents,
A few months ago, you entrusted me with your child. It's time now for me to give you back your child a little heavier, taller, wiser, and certainly more mature. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of your child's growth. We have learned, laughed, and played together this past year. Although I would love to continue this wonderful relationship, it is time for your child to move on to bigger and better things. Remember, your child will always hold a special place in my heart, and I hope that wherever your child goes, whatever your child does, and whoever your child becomes, he/she will be happy and successful. Congratulations to your child for a job well done!
Graduation Photos and Poems
Take a class picture with your camera and paste the picture on a copy of any of these poems:
Your Teacher
Author Unknown
I'm glad I was your teacher
I've come to love you so.
I can't believe the end is here
I hate to see you go.
Remember all the fun we had
in all the things we did,
But most of all remember
You're a very special kid!
End Of Year
Author Unknown
You're a very special person,
And I wanted you to know,
How much I enjoyed being your teacher.
How fast the year did go!
Please come back to visit me
As through the grades you grow,
Try hard to learn all that you can
There is so much to know!
The one thing I tried to teach you,
To last your whole life through,
Is to know that you are SPECIAL,
There is no one else like you!