cookies Preschool Activities, Crafts, and Printables

Baker and If you Give a Mouse a Cookie preschool and kindergarten activities. Where do people go when they need bread or a birthday cake? Where do people go when they want something sweet to eat, like cookies? Where do people go when they want bagels for breakfast? The bakery, of course! Bakers are a very important part of our community they make many different breads and delicious treats for us to eat.

Enjoy a taste of assorted bakery cookie crafts, baker cookies preschool activities, and printables available on our KidsSoup Resource Library.

Free Baker Cookies Crafts, Activities, Rhymes, and Printables

Let?s Bake Food preparation develops many mathematical skills, including measuring liquids and dry substances with a variety of tools. Include children in preparing a simple cookie recipe.

Sensory Table Place different types of grains in containers on the sensory table: corn, rice, wheat, barley, and oats. Provide bowls, scoops, measuring cups, sifters, funnels, and spoons for children to explore.

View also our Twiggle Magazine Bakery edition for free crafts, activities, and recipes.

Bakery Rhyme

Cake and cookies bookAt the Bakery (Tune: The Mulberry Bush)

What will you buy at the bakery, The bakery, the bakery? What will you buy at the bakery, So early in the morning?

I?d like to buy some bread today, Bread today, bread today. I?d like to buy some bread today, So early in the morning.

Additional verses: cookies, muffins, donuts, pies, cupcakes, cakes


Cake Pops: Tips, Tricks, and Recipes for More Than 40 Irresistible Mini Treats


Bread Basket Upset Game Have children form a circle and have one child in the middle of the circle as the baker. Hand a picture of various types of breads such as breads, rolls, muffins, bagels, biscuits, etc. to each child in the circle. To play the game, the baker calls out the name of a bread. The children holding that particular type of bread exchange places. The game continues. When the baker calls out, ?Bread Basket Upset,? all the children must exchange places, including the baker. The child who is unable to find a place is the new baker.

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