Preschool and Kindergarten Spring Lessons, Activities, Crafts, and Printables. Spring into spring with our flowers, spring kids...
Colors activities, lessons, and games for preschool. What would our world be without color? Just think--there would no more blue skies, blue blueberries, or blue bluebirds. There would be no more green trees or green grass. And what about colors of sunrises and sunsets? And of all the flowers? And . . . Well, luckily, we don't have to worry about that, but it's nice to think about the importance of color in our lives. So we have created a rainbow of color-related fun activities, games, worksheets, crafts, and printables to help your child learn about the colors that surround him or her. Below you'll find a sampling of our resources for the color green.
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Things that Are Green Words
With children, brainstorm a list of things that are green: apple, artichoke, avocado, broccoli, cactus, caterpillar, celery, cucumber, emerald, fern, frog, grass, grasshopper, iguana, ivy, leaf, lettuce, luna moth, lettuce, lime, olive, parrot, peas, pickle, pine tree, praying mantis, shamrock, spinach, turtle, zucchini.
Reading /Language Arts: Little Yellow, Little Blue
Read the book Little Yellow, Little Blue by Leo Lionni. Talk about how the two primary colors, yellow and blue when mixed together, make green (which is a secondary color). Discuss other primary colors that make secondary colors, such as red and yellow make orange and blue and red make purple.
Science: Yellow and Blue Makes Green
Show children how to make the color green. Pour light corn syrup or shaving cream into a recloseable plastic bag. Add drops of blue and yellow food coloring into the bag, seal the bag, and tip it back and forth to see the colors blend and turn green.
Find the Color
(Tune: The Muffin Man)
Sing the following song and let children point to a (color) item:
Oh, can you find the color (blue),
The color blue, the color (blue)?
Oh, can you find the color (blue),
Somewhere in this room?
Color Glove
Paint the fingers of a pair of white gloves the following colors: red, yellow, blue, green, and orange, so that you have two of each color. Then, sing this song:
(Tune: Freres Jacques)
Where is red? (Bring one hand up with all fingers showing.)
Where is red? (Repeat with other hand.)
Here I am, (Wave one hand.)
Here I am. (Wave other hand.)
Show me if you can, (Hold hands up.)
Show me if you can.
Where is red? Where is red?
Repeat this with all the colors allowing the children to show you the colors.
Blueberry Pies Craft
Cut a pie shape out of tan craft paper. Draw and cut small blue circles on blue craft paper or let children use a hole punch to punch small circles out of dark blue paper. Let children spread glue on their pies and add the blueberry circles.
Blue Is Wonderful! Ribbon
Cut out and color blue ribbons that say "Blue Is Wonderful." Let children choose a blue ribbon to attach to their clothes. Wear it during the color blue days.
Blue Snacks
Eat blueberries. Make blueberry muffins. Make blueberry milkshakes and add blue food coloring. Make blue Jell-O and add some blueberries.
Things that Are Green Words
apple, artichoke, avocado, broccoli, cactus, caterpillar, celery, cucumber, emerald, fern, frog, grass, grasshopper, iguana, ivy, leaf, luna moth, lettuce, lime, olive, parrot, peas, pickle, pine tree, praying mantis, shamrock, turtle, zucchini
Reading /Language Arts
Read the book Little Yellow, Little Blue by Leo Lionni. Talk about how the two primary colors, yellow and blue when mixed together, make green (which is a secondary color). Discuss other primary colors that make secondary colors, such as red and yellow make orange and blue and red make purple.
A Little Green Frog
There once was a little green frog, frog, frog,
Who sat in the woods on a log, log, log.
A screech owl sitting in a tree, tree, tree,
Came after the frog with a scree, scree, scree.
When the frog heard the owl in a flash, flash, flash,
He jumped in the pond with a splash, splash, splash!
(Tune: B-I-N-G-O)
There is a color we all know
Can you guess what it is?
Green is what that spells.
The grass and leaves outside
Are green as green as they can be.
Green is what that spells.
Have children supply the names of green things as you recite the following rhyme:
Green, Green All Around
Green, green all around,
Look at all the green things we have found.
We found a green __________ under a tree.
We found a green __________ drinking tea.
We found a green __________ riding in a car.
We found a green __________ playing a guitar.
We found a green __________ floating in a boat.
We found a green __________ wearing a coat.
Sensory Table
Have children play with salt/sugar/flour, Styrofoam peanuts, white yarn, streamers, snow in the winter time, and white finger paint.
Large Motor Skills
Use printing paper and place on the floor as ice shelves. Let children pretend to be polar bears walking, jumping, etc., from one ice shelf to the next.
Color White Collage
Use cotton balls, doilies, white fabric, white buttons, etc., to make a white on white collage.
Color White
(Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If there's white on your shoes stand up quick
If there's white on your shoes stand up quick
If there's white on your shoes,
If there's white on your shoes,
If there's white on your shoes stand up quick!