The importance of instilling the concept of...
Our new theme is inspired by the popular Disney movie Frozen and the icy landscape of the Antarctica and the Arctic. Here are just a few activities your children will have fun doing: tapping into Elsa’s snow powers to learn about snowflakes and ice, practicing the ABCs by matching letters on chocolates (Anna’s favorite snack), churning out some yummy ice cream and learning the science behind it, and playing a card game by matching carrots (Sven’s favorite food) to numbers.
In this lesson, children will make ice cream with ice, a ziplock bag, and a few simple ingredients, explore how ice is formed and why it melts, create an artwork of the letter I using tissue paper ice cubes, and read an emergent reader that incorporates the -ice word family.
Invite children to join you to play a game to identify words that belong to the -ice word family, practice reading -ice word family words in a story about mice, listen and make accompanying movements to a felt story rhyme about some penguins on ice, and experiment to see how many plastic toys an ice cube can carry before sinking.
Together you will differentiate between summer and winter clothes, learn words that begin with short and long letter i, practice counting using plastic ice cubes, make an igloo artwork with tissue paper ice blocks, and discover how polar bears are able to stay warm in arctic temperatures.
In this lesson, children will learn how snowflakes are created and why each one is unique, practice their writing skills by describing their favorite snowy day activities, play matching games with snow letters and numbers, and have fun pretending to ice skate on a homemade plastic ice skating rink.
In this lesson, children will describe and make snowflake patterns, practice printing the Frozen character's names, match lowercase and uppercase letters on chocolates, use estimation skills to compare the measurements of paper snowman, match groups of carrots to the correct numbers, and play a Frozen-themed memory game.