One Penguin Went Out One Day Movement Song

What you need:
Learning Goals and Standards:
Language and Movement
Social Skills
What you do:
All children sit in a circle on the floor. One child gets up and imitates a penguin. The child first waddles and then jumps around the circle while everyone sings:
One Penguin Went Out One Day
(Tune: One Elephant Went Out One Day)
One penguin went out one day
On the cold ice he wanted to play
He jumped and had so much fun, (child jumping)
He called for another penguin to come…
The child then picks a friend to come and join him/her. The friend waddles behind the first penguin. Everyone then continues to sing as the two penguins waddle around them.
After five penguins, sing the following:
Five penguins went out one day
On the cold ice they wanted to play
They waddled to the water for a swim
And all five penguins jumped right in. (The five penguins jump in the circle.)
Watch the video from Ms Ree