Colorful Mittens

What you need:
Mitten Colors printables
My Mitten Colors Booklet printables
Color Word Wall cards
Children practice identifying and reading color words while illustrating their very own mitten-themed books.
Grade, Age Range or Specialized Learner: Multi-age, Preschool/Pre-K, 3-5 year old
Target Learning Skills:
- Print concepts
- Emergent Reading
Preschoolers are excited to show off their new mittens when winter rolls around, and they can’t wait until they can roll the first snowball of the season. You can bring this love of mittens into your literacy center using the Mitten Color Book.
Make a copy of the book pages for each child. If you have children who are just beginning to understand print concepts of reading, you may want to print the Color Word Wall cards from the website as well. Print the colored mittens printables. Cut out, punch holes, and assemble mittens together with a book ring.
Mitten Colors Book Printables:
These color mittens can help children identify the color words on their book pages by matching them.
Younger children will need help coloring in the color words on the book pages. These children are not yet able to match the words on the cards to the words on the book pages. Having the words pre-colored will aid them in knowing what color each mitten should be. Additionally, this will give them confidence in their beginner reading skills.
To extend this activity, have children use magazines and catalog pictures, ribbons, stickers, construction paper, etc., to decorate the mittens in the matching color.
Older children can be encouraged to identify the beginning sound of each color word on the color word cards and the color that begins with the sound. They can use the mitten cards to check themselves. Have them trace over the words on the book pages to reinforce the fine motor skills associated with writing letters.
Group Activity
Before you assemble all the pages, sing the following song together. As you call out a colored mitten, the children need to place the matching mitten in front of them.
Color Mittens
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
The red mitten is on the floor,
The red mitten is on the floor,
Heigh-ho! It's cold outside,
The red mitten is on the floor.
Continue with the other colors until all mittens are on the floor.
When children complete their books, have them read each page while pointing to each word. They should pick up on the phasing quickly, and be able to read their books to their friends and family members at home.
Kindergarten Common Core State Standards:
RF.K.4: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
RF.K.1a: Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.