No-Cook Gingerbread Scented Playdough Recipe

What you need:
- 2 cups flour
- 2 tbsps vegetabke oil
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 tbsps cream of tartar
- 1 1/2 cups boiling water
- 1 tbsp ground ginger
- 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
- Food colors
- Plastic gloves
What you do:
Measure and pour 2 cups of flour into a bowl.
Add 1/2 cup of salt.
Mix in 2 tbsps cream of tartar, ground ginger, and ground cinnamon.
Add 2 tbsps of vegetable oil.
Pour in the boiling water.
Mix all the ingredients together with a wooden spoon until they form the dough.
Divide playdough into 5 small balls. Press your thumb in to the middle of 4 of the balls to make small bowls.
Drip your food colors in to each bowl.
Put on the plastic gloves and knead the dough until the dye is thoroughly mixed. (This is the messy part. Make sure you're over a sink or have your hands inside a large bucket so that you don't stain anything.
Place the playdough inside small baggies or small plastic containers.