Where's the Bee? Positional Words Folder Game

What you need:
Flower and Bee printout
Two-pocket folder
Laminating sheets
Learning Goals and Standards
Spatial Awareness
Children will practice using positional words.
Print flower and bees on heavy printing paper and cut out. Print cards and cut out. Glue folder game picture to the front of folder. Variation: Attach magnet strips to the back of the flower and bees. Use on a magnet board.
Place large flower and bee pictures on the table.
Take a bee and fly it around and let it land on the flower head. Say "The bee is on the flower. Can you fly the other bee also on the flower?" Let child fly the bee and place it on the flower. Take your bee and fly and place it under the flower. Say "The bee is under the flower. Can you fly the other bee also under the flower?" Let child fly the bee and place it under the flower.
Continue with other positions: under, above, on, besides, to the right, to the left, behind.
Show children the small pictures with the flowers and the bee. Let children describe the position of the bee and place the bee on the flower to match the picture.