Wide-Mouthed Frog Literacy Lesson

What you need:
Book: The Wide-Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Story pictures
Children will recall details from a story.
Read the book The Wide-Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner to children. This book is about a wide-mouthed frog who says to every animal he meets, “I’m a wide-mouthed frog and I eat flies. What do you eat?” until he meets an alligator, who replies that he eats frogs. Suddenly, the wide-mouthed frog makes his mouth as small as possible and jumps into the pond with a splash.
Movement and Story-retelling:
After reading the story, hold up the picture of the fly and ask, “Who eats the fly in the story?” Place the picture of the frog on the felt board and let children pretend to eat a fly, move like a frog, and talk like a frog. Next, hold up the picture of the worm and ask. “Who eats the worm in the story? Place the worm on the felt board and let children pretend to eat a worm, move like a bird, and talk like a bird. Continue lesson in the same fashion with the foods that the mouse and the alligator eat.
After a few readings of the story, let children take turns telling parts of the story in order and putting the pictures on the felt board.