Shapes and Colors Bingo

What You Need:
Shapes and Colors Bingo board
Shapes Calling Cards
Counters (glass pebbles, coins, little rocks, etc.)
Learning Goals and Standards:
Recognizing simple shapes and colors
Social skills
1. Cut out the Shapes Calling Cards and the Shapes and Colors Bingo board.
2. Place the Shapes Calling Cards face down in a pile.
Game Play (2 players):
1. Each player gets a Shapes and Colors Bingo board.
2. Players take turns picking up a Shapes Calling Card and naming the shape
and its color (e.g., red square).
3. Players place a counter on the matching shape on their board.
4. The winner is the first player to match four shapes in a row on
their board.
Variation: The teacher calls out the shapes and colors of the cards.