Books, Rhymes, and Songs
Find a selection of ocean animal book suggestions, and ocean animals rhymes and song for your under the sea theme.
Ocean Animals Rhymes and Songs for Preschool and Kindergarten
Take Me Out to the Ocean
Flowers are bright and cheery and attract bees and butterflies and birds. There are lots of beautiful children's books, songs, and rhymes about flowers and seeds. Here, we've put together a selection that's bound to bring delight to you and your students as you celebrate spring in all its wonder.
Read any dental or tooth-related story book to children (see book suggestions below.) Talk about the book and why it is important to keep teeth healthy. Explain that teeth are important for chewing, speaking, and having a healthy smile. A healthy mouth is part of a healthy body.
Christmas-time is one the most magical times of the year and Santa is a big part of the celebration. We have picked out some favorite Santa Claus books and Santa stories for the holiday -- some of which are considered classics.
When it's cold outside and snow is falling, cuddle up with a good book about Snowmen.
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