The importance of instilling the concept of...
This month’s theme explores the holidays via the five senses with special emphasis on baking, seasonal trees, and Christmas traditions. Literacy activities to build comprehension skills and develop print concepts are provided for Twas was the Night Before Christmas, The Sweet Smell of Christmas, A Wish to Be a Christmas Tree, and Dr. Seuss’s classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Cinnamon, nutmeg, pine, jingle bells, stockings, reindeer noses, and candy canes are just a few of the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes inside this month’s abundant sack of sensory and celebratory activities, games, rhymes, emergent readers, and more.
Week 1: The Five Senses and the Holidays
Week 2: The Five Senses and Baking
Week 3: The Five Senses and Trees
Week 4: The Five Senses and Santa
The Sweet Smell of Christmas (Scented Storybook)
View more preschool and kindergarten Christmas activities and crafts
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