jgarcia's blog
Pin the tail on the donkey is a classic party game for kids. This 4th of July get your kids dizzy with excitment while playing the game: "Pin the Stars on Uncle Sam." Gently spin them around three times and then let them try to pin the stars on.... his nose!
Help your child prepare for the transition from preschool to kindergarten with some fun and entertaining learning activities that will jumpstart his or her literacy skills needed for kindergarten. Our fun, innovative ABC Twiggles resources and free Story Twiggle books will provide your children opportunities to gain self confidence and to develop the literacy skills they need to be successful i
The new school year is just around the corner and with it comes a new schedule for our upcoming KidsSoup themes for your preschool and kindergarten. We are busy preparing and adding new ready-to-go preschool and kindergarten activities and teaching resources to make your job easier and more exciting.
I is for iguana and itch. Show children a picture of an iguana and let them discribe the animals. Show children the cover of the book and read the title to children. Count the iguanas together. Encourage children to share with you what they think the story is all about. Read the book about the nine little iguanas that are sitting in the hot sun on a small island.
Children love to help bake cookies. In this Twiggle Book children read about the the tools and steps that are needed to make cookies. Lily and Twiggi gather together the materials and ingredients they will need. Then, they mix, roll, cut, bake, and decorate until they have a delicious treat!
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