Ducks Crafts, Activities, Lessons, Games, and Printables

Ducks activities and crafts for preschool and kindergarten

One Duck Stuck, 10 Little Rubber Ducks. Children will love the rhyming, rollicking fun of the story One Duck Stuck about a hapless duck stuck in the mud who calls out to other animals that share his marshland home; "Help! Help! Who can help?" he asks. Our related resources incorporates math and rhyming, a lesson and ideas about cooperation, animal vocabulary, muck science, and the short u sound are the focus of additional activities, crafts, rhymes, and games. 

Samples of our more than 70 duck preschool activities, kids crafts, games, and printables available in our KidsSoup Resource Library:


Themes and Projects


Rubber Duck Printing
Duck in Muck Puppet Craft
D is for Duck Craft

Activities and Lessons

I'm A Little Duck - Movement Rhyme
One Duck Stuck: Story Recall with Manipulatives
Rubber Ducks - Letter Recognition


At the Pond Number Sense
Where Is the Duck? Position Words Story Book
Five Little Ducks - Math Stories

Science and Exploration

Clean Up the Trash Activity
Webbed Feet Science Activity


Help the Duck Sight Words
Long O Cross the Ocean Game
Who Can Help? -uck Word Family


Ducks in Muck Sensory Play
Rubber Duck Sensory Activity
Waddle, Waddle Duck Movement Rhyme

Booklets and Other

Packing Rubber Ducks Position Words Booklet
D is for Duck Poster


Duck and Duckling Coloring Page
Yellow Ducklings Coloring
Ducks and Pond Activities in the Classroom:

Ducks Science Activities

Background Science Information:
Show children a picture of a male, a female, and ducklings. Explain to children that the male duck is called a drake. A female is called a duck, and the babies are called (let children guess) yes, ducklings. In the spring the femail duck lays ten to fourteen eggs and broods them patiently for about four weeks until the ducklings hatch.

Male and female duck science activity preschool
Preschool Activities: 

How do Ducks look like?
Ducks have webbed feet, great for swimming. The ducks body parts are: bill, wing, webbed feet, and feathers. Let children point out the parts on the duck pictures.

Duck Game:
Place pictures of the ducks body part inside a paper bag. Children take turns standing in front of the group and pulling out a card from the bag. The child gives clues on the body part until the children are guessing it. When they guessed it right the card gets revealed and all childen say,"quack, quack, quack!"

What do Ducks eat?
Ducks eat tadpoles, worms, snails, and plants they find in the water. 

Ducks Movement Rhyme and Activity

Ten Little Ducklings

Ten little ducklings, running at a dash,  
(Have children run in place)
Jumped in the pond, with a great big splash!  
(Pretend to jump and splash)
Then their Mother called them, quack, quack quack!  
(Have children turn halfway around)
And the ten little ducklings, came swimming back.  
(Have children pretend to swim back)

Extension: Felt Story
Cut out 10 ducklings out of yellow felt or craft foam and let children re-tell the story on the felt board.


Ducks Fine Motor Skill Activity

Feed the Ducks
Cut out a ducks out of craft foam. Cut a sponge into small pieces (bread). Place the sponge pieces inside a small container with water. Let children use clothespins to pick the bread out of the water and feed them to the duck. 

Ducks Gross Motor Skills Movement Activty

Mother Duck and Her Ducklings
Pretend that you are the mother duck and your children are the ducklings. Call out some instructions and let the ducklings follow them:

Little ducklings quack as loud as you can
Little ducklings follow behind me
Little ducklings jump in to the water
Little ducklings swim in a circle
Little ducklings dive for food
Little ducklings walk out from the water
Little ducklings shake your body
Little ducklings flap your wings
Little ducklings go to sleep

Duck Circle Games

Duck, Duck, Goose
Children sitting in a circle. One child walks around the circle touching each child on the shoulder saying, "Duck, duck..." One one child he/she says "Goose." That child gets up and chases the other around the circle back to his/her spot. The first child sits down. The second child begins the game again.

Ducks Classroom Decoration

Duck Pond Mural
Cover the floor with a plastic and place a large piece of brown wrapping paper on the floor. Draw a horizontal line 3/4 up from the bottom of the paper. Provide children with paper plates with blobs of blue, green, and a little white paint.  Let children mix the the colors with their paint brush and paint the bottom part of the paper blue. Use the duck pattern to trace a duck shape on to yellow and white craft paper and let children cut out the ducks and glue to the mural. Use some green craft or crepe paper to create some pond plants. 

Pond Reading Center
Use a kiddi pool and place some plush toy ducks or rubber duckies, and some plastic fish and frogs inside. Place some plants around the "pond."

Ducks Activities in our KidsSoup Blog:

One Duck Stuck Preschool and kindergarten crafts, activities, lessons, folder games, and more



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